When support for Windows 7 ends on January 14, 2020, many computers will continue to operate, but Microsoft will stop providing support in the following areas:
- technical support regarding any problems,
- software updates
- security updates and patches.
StatCounter indicates that in November 2019, Windows 7 was installed at 27.45 percent. computers with Microsoft system. Windows 10 has been available for over 4 years, but only supports 64.7 percent. Windows computers.
It is possible to continue using a computer with Windows 7 without permanently installing software updates and security, but this will increase the risk of infection with viruses and malware. In the future, the best way to stay safe is to change to Windows 10.
It is worth adding that it is possible to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 operation system.
The upgrade will change the previous version of Windows on your computer – such as Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 – to Windows 10. The upgrade may be on your device, but Microsoft recommends using Windows 10 on your new computer to take advantage of the latest features and security enhancements. Frequently asked questions about upgrading to Windows 10.